Archive for June, 2012

GeoSurv Have Moved!

Posted on: June 19th, 2012 by GeoSurv No Comments

We are delighted to announce the move to new premises within Edinburgh City. Following on from the award of new contracts it was deemed necessary to move into a larger office space where processing and reporting could be undertaken in more comfort! Beaverhall House provides the type of accommodation suitable to GeoSurv’s current size and future plans.

Jersey Sea Defences

Posted on: June 19th, 2012 by GeoSurv No Comments

GeoSurv Limited are delighted to announce the award of a  geophysical survey by the State of Jersey. The survey involves utilising a Geoswath Plus bathymetric system and Pinger sub-bottom profiler to investigate the seabed within St Aubin Bay and La Greve D’Azette as part of Jersey’s sea defence program. The program also includes grab samples and oceanographic measurements.

Geoswath Survey Montrose Bay

Posted on: June 19th, 2012 by GeoSurv No Comments

GeoSurv were delighted to be contracted by SOi Limited to undertake a bathymetric and backscatter survey of Montrose Bay for Angus Council. Utilising the Geoacoustics Geoswath Plus interferometric system and RTK positioning from a Trimble R6 VRS receiver proved a real success in this shallow water environment. The survey was conducted in late march and initially the weather proved challenging! The survey was contracted to Geosurv as part of the ongoing coastal erosion study of Montrose Bay. The survey included Montrose harbour and approach channel. The shallow draft and manoeuvrability of the vessel Swordsman meant the survey team were able to gather data in water depths of 1m which proved invaluable around the rocky coastline of Scurdie Ness and the large sand feature of ’Annat Bank’.

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