GeoSurv have a suite of geophysical equipment to image the seabed and sub-surface geology. Equipment owned by us and fitted to the survey vessel ‘Swordsman’ includes:
Bathymetry & Sonar: SEA SWATHplus High Resolution 468kHz (Wide Swath Bathymetry & Side Scan Sonar Image)
GPS Positioning: Trimble R6 RTK VRS
Sub-bottom Profiler: Geoacoustics Pinger (4 x Transducers)
Motion Sensor: TSS DMS 05
Heading: Vector GPS
Additional equipment used by GeoSurv:
Side Scan Sonar
Geoacoustic analogue 159D
Klein 3000 dual/simultaneous digital sonar
Sub-bottom Profiler
C Products C-Boom
Geoacoustics Boomer
Squid Sparker
Multibeam Echosounder
R2Sonic wide bandwidth MBES
Reson Seabat 8125
Geometrics G-882
Marine Magnetics Sea Spy
Trimble R8 RTK VRS
Trimble S350 WAAS/GLONAS
TopCon RTK
GeoSurv ensures that the instruments chosen will best suit the requirement and budget of the client and the environmental conditions in which the survey is to be conducted.